Applicants need to reside in an area policed by RCMP (with their ID reflecting this address) and need to schedule an appointment to attend to complete the required forms, by phoning 204-746-6355 but can also leave a voicemail message and will typically be returned within a day or 2. When attending they need to bring 2 pieces of gov’t issued ID, one with a photo, ie: Driver’s licence or Passport and MB health card would work.
RCMP Criminal record checks, with or without the Vulnerable Sector component cost $10, cash only.
If there is a match on the database to someone who’s close to the applicant’s name and date of birth, fingerprints may be required for us to complete the process, with an additional fee of $60.50.
If applicants have any Criminal Convictions, there’s an additional form they would need to complete.
If the applicants are volunteers and can provide our office with a letter or email from that agency, stating that they will be volunteering for them, we will wave all associated fees for the Criminal record check.
Criminal record checks are typically processed within a week or 2 depending on when the support staff are able to process their application, amongst their other work priorities.
Child and Adult abuse registry checks are done through the Province of Manitoba, not the RCMP.
Here is a link to their website.