The Province issued it’s latest flood forecast on 17 March 2022. It indicates “the risk is still moderate to major spring flooding in most of southern Manitoba basins” but is now looking at maximum levels as experienced in 2011. With ideal weather and melt, flood levels may be the same as 2020. “The magnitude of the spring runoff is still very dependent on weather conditions from now till the spring melt and during the spring melt period. The runoff potential is significantly affected by the amount of additional snow and spring rains; frost depth at the time of runoff; the timing and rate of the spring thaw; and the timing of peak flows in Manitoba and the United States…”
The Municipality is watching this carefully and making plans to mitigate where possible.
Further, issued on Sunday 20 March 2022 by EMO was the following:
There is a moderate precipitation in the forecast that could bring 10 to 15 mm of rain snow mix in Interlake and southern regions.
This precipitation DOES NOT change the outlook issued on March 17. This system will push the basins to their normal to slightly above normal weather projections issued in the March outlook.
Snowmelt started in the US portion of the Red and Souris River basins and river levels started to rise in that portion of the Red River basin – Not much level change in Manitoba.
Minor snowmelt started in MB as well. However, the ground is still frozen in most Manitoba areas and soil moisture has not changed.
– Temperature forecast indicates near zero temperatures until March 25 and a potential for below zero temperatures after the 25th. If temperatures stay near zero and ground is NOT frozen, we could start to see snow loss due to a gradual melt.
We will keep you apprised of the conditions but as always, it is encouraged that residents review the information on floods and how to prepare for this type of emergency at