Health & Wellness
Morris General Hospital
Nestled in the community of Morris, the 23-bed Morris General Hospital provides a four-physician medical clinic, 24-hour/7-day emergency services, diagnostic services, minor out-patient surgical procedures, home care, mental health services, public health-healthy living, physiotherapy, dietetic counseling, and palliative care/end of life as well as many other health-related referral services.
Morris General Hospital
Box 519, 215 Railroad Ave., E.
Morris MB R0G 1K0
Tel.: 204-746-2301 • Fax: 204-746-2197
Ron Morrice
Director of Health Services – Morris, Emerson & Area
Southern Health-Santé Sud Mission “To support people and communities in achieving optimal health by providing innovative, sustainable and quality health services”
See our Southern Health-Santé Sud website at for further information on job opportunities and services.
Public Health-Healthy Living
Public Health-Healthy Living enables individuals and communities to increase control over and improve their health. This includes improving life skills, encouraging healthy choices, increasing the opportunities for individuals to make healthy choices, and reducing hazardous environments.
Prevention and community health services are directed at persons, families and groups in communities who are at risk for developing a health problem, disease or disorder.
Public Health-Healthy Living – Morris
Rosenort Community Health Centre
For after-hours health information services, call Health Links – Info Santé at 1-888-315-9257